A typical Specialist
Specialist in the class tree
Tier: 2
Root: Recruit Recruit
Branches: Sapper Sapper
Biotechnician Biotechnician


The Specialist is a tier 2 character class.

Description from the official website:

"The Specialist is the basic classification in Combat Support and is a prerequisite for higher level Tier selection in this career path. Like the Soldier, the Specialist retains all the skills and abilities learned as a Recruit and can apply these to a combat team in a basic infantry role. In their principle support role, Specialists can also use their radius-based skills and abilities to help teammates and themselves."

Abilities and trainings

In addition to the abilities and trainings (collectively known as skills) of its root class, the following are available to the Specialist class:

Abilities Trainings


In addition to the armor, weapons and tools of its root class, the Specialist may use the following:

Armor Weapons Tools


The AFS Specialist has some different abilities to the Soldier class. The Specialist is resistant to most damage types while wearing their advanced Hazmat suit. The Specialist can also use many helpful field tools such as the Cipher, Healing, and Repair tools. The Cipher Tool unlocks those the crates that you will find through out the maps. The Healing Disc allows you to help NPCs or other players in the heat of battle by keeping them alive. And lastly the Repair Tool repairs the targeted player's armor.

The Leech Gun does little damage compared to the Soldier's Chaingun but it has the benefit of simultaneously repairing or healing the user and those nearby.

The Ruin ability can be used on one enemy to deal damage while you focus your attentions on another, increasing your combat performance.
