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Analyzing the Harvesters
Mission sequence
Requirement: None
Follow-up: Murky Waters
Required Level  ??
Mission giver: Captain Daris Linier
- Location: White Oasis Post
Reward giver: Dr. Harold Meeks
- Location: White Oasis Post
XP: ?
Credits: 6,450

Flame Thrower Vextronics Flame Thrower
Incendiary Net Gun Vextronics Incendiary Net Gun
Cryogenic Leech Gun Vextronics Cryogenic Leech Gun
Pulse Rifle Vextronics Pulse Rifle

Overview Overview[]

Find the Harvester Processor at each of the four Water Harvesters in Maji Field. Run the diagnostic program at each harvester, then return to Dr. Harold Meeks at White Oasis Post with the results.

Objectives Objectives[]

  • Analyze Harvester 1
  • Analyze Harvester 2
  • Analyze Harvester 3
  • Analyze Harvester 4

Dialogue Dialogue[]


Captain Daris Linier:

The main objective of my Ops here in Maji Field are to repair and secure those big Water Harvesters out there. Giant wonders of engineering, they really are. Dr. Meeks is here to take care of all the technical details.
In fact, the Doctor has put together a special tool using the information given to us by the Viddia Syndicate. With this little sucker you should be able to perform a complete diagnosis of the Water Harvesters and find out why they're not working.
Bad news, thought, the Bane are hell bent on securing those harvesters for themselves. This definately isn't going to be a walk in the park, I'll tell ya. Once you get the readings on all four harvesters, get back here and we'll work on the game plan.


Dr. Harold Meeks:


Walkthrough Walkthrough[]
